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Olá... Com a introdução das funcionalidades para clans, pelo Powersoccer, esse clan será apenas parte da história dos --TUGAS--, raramente virei aqui escrever alguma coisa, ele será apenas, uma lembrança viva na história dos Tugas! Em contrapartida, manterei o http://tugas.weebly.com/ mais atualizado e com alguns artigos! obrigado á todos!
English Version!
Hi .. With the introduction of features for Clans, the Powersoccer, this clan is only part of the story - Tugas -, rarely come here write something, he will be just a memory alive in the history of Tugas! In contrast, http://tugas.weebly.com/ keep more updated and with some articles! Thanks to everyone!
Thank You Beijing
The Games of Beijing showed the world what the Olympics really are: a meeting of young people who share the same objective and the same enthusiasm for the sport. As well as inviting the best athletes in the world to compete against each other, the Games also provided the chance for China to present itself to the world for 16 days and 17 nights of sports festival! Now that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is over, the athletes of the world already beginning to turn their attentions to the next Olympic Games to be held in London in 2012!

I will tell my 20 tips to be a champion in this game.

1) 1 Turn a member of the club that will give you benefits.

2) Find out the strengths and weaknesses of your team

3) Find out how each likes to shoot attacker.

4) Choose between various tactics, to which more matches you and your team eg 3-4-3 tactic I consider this good for beginners.

5) Do not disturb any other user, if another user bother you look for a Admin preferably of their country and say what happened, takes a Print!

6) Choose a name and cool for your team.

7) In each level you pass you win rewards (you should already know it) between them 8 skills to distribute to each player, tactics, models of shirts, tranding card among others.

8) The skills that you must give their players are different, eg to supporters the most important is the disarmament, see below distribute as well, their skills:

disarmament =advocates, speed, passing and resistance
means campers = pass, speed, technique and kicking
attackers kicks = speed, technique and passing.

9) You can change your players to place, then before playing their first match, replace them in place, if you like, that does not make much difference ....

10) This is for anyone who wants to be Admin: If you want is to be this: To be an admin you must learn English, be calm, and a member of the club and take over 18 years if you think you're ready to be a Admin send an e-mail in English to pf_admin@powerchallenge.com, is the email chalenge of pawer.

11) On the relationship there are many hearts, so never leave a crown, because you always vai win xp, where play against a level much higher than yours, better, more xp, you win, and has the official crown, but it is worth points in rank, then you get points risking risk. if your level is between 1 to 19 you have to enter the Rookie if your level is between 20 to 99 cn has come in and if your Expert level and between 50 to 99 you can go into the Champions best time to enter into a crown official is in the morning that has few people and it is easier you win those hearts.

12) Lag is the worst thing of the game, when the lag is better start to pray, give this problem vai see someone not right, or the two users will not see right. What is happening in the game, the lag happens when, someone is far away or someone is causing this. If you get to quit, better, if does not, is what God wants!

13) Play official matches is very important for you to grow in Powersoccer more caution, because if you lose, you lose points in the ranking, has one more story that if the game did not find any user of its level wanting to play, you'll have to face users well with levels higher than yours, and is not very good level you face someone with much bigger than its plus level does not matter to me, what matters is the experience and rank, if the guy has a very good ranking you already may know, this game, vai be difficult.

14) The cheaters must leave this game because it is very bad play with people who steal if you suspected that someone, add evidence and make their denounces, or a Admin, or sending an email, in English, to pf_admin@powerchallenge.com.

15) The carts can harm you, because if you give a cart in a player of the opponent team, you can make up shortages and penalties, sometimes by giving a cart, you lose a lot of time until their player get up, use the cart instead of in a while, seek to use the most disarm.

16) When a penalty for hitting, focuses not to miss, after all it is very difficult you win a penalty in the middle of the game. A tip: do not think much when hitting a penalty, be quick in time to shoot.

17) Play always with faith.

18) Never give up, never quit a match in the middle of the game.

19) This is pra who likes to play concentrated: Just turn off the sound ....

20) Play and if divirt, but remember, play nice, more play hard.
