The first is undoubtedly rkl10, which became the second of Chat Admin to be part of our clan, was the first cmeira.
rkl10 is new CA
Well, as if we didn't need any more proof that TUGAS are the most trusted and the best clan PowerSoccer, we have more...
GOOD LUCKY in world of CAs rkl10 - he is now the CA of the tugas.
Congratulations mate!
The second member of the week is Kexler, which ended first in the league in its group: amateur 1 .. group (39). This shows that we are also strong .. Greetings mate!


Falziz our member - miniTUGAS - also did well in the league. He was in group 19 and finished in second. his words about this season are: this time I was in 2 nd because it was at a low compared kom the other opponents but for the next hope to finish in first. That same falziz, all we will be with you ... Greetings!
Futebol20o7 win another European Cup for the Expert TUGAS. This time was a European Expert 437 ......... link below screenshot of conquest .