Last week, the clan Surreal banned three members accused of being cheaters, the site of the surreal, they said they not would names, because it would smudge the image of the clan .. I find that very wrong, we all need to know what is happening in the world of the Clans, and with it, learn not to commit these kinds of mistakes. The Tugas never escondu anything from anyone, when someone is Banite of Tugas, everyone is knowing who you are. So I decided search and discover the three members who were banned from the Surreal. They are:
Portuguese Versiom...
Semana passada, o clan Surreal baniu três membros acusados de serem cheaters, no site do surreal, eles disseram que não iriam citar nomes, porque ia sujar a imagem do clan.. Acho isso muito errado, todos nós precisamos saber o que se passa no mundo dos clans, e com isso, aprendermos a não cometer esses tipo de erros. Os Tugas nunca escondu nada de ninguém, quando alguém é banito dos tugas, todos ficam sabendo quem é. Sendo assim, resolvi pesquisar e descobrir os três membros que foram banidos do Surreal. São eles: