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Olá... Com a introdução das funcionalidades para clans, pelo Powersoccer, esse clan será apenas parte da história dos --TUGAS--, raramente virei aqui escrever alguma coisa, ele será apenas, uma lembrança viva na história dos Tugas! Em contrapartida, manterei o http://tugas.weebly.com/ mais atualizado e com alguns artigos! obrigado á todos!
English Version!
Hi .. With the introduction of features for Clans, the Powersoccer, this clan is only part of the story - Tugas -, rarely come here write something, he will be just a memory alive in the history of Tugas! In contrast, http://tugas.weebly.com/ keep more updated and with some articles! Thanks to everyone!
Thank You Beijing
The Games of Beijing showed the world what the Olympics really are: a meeting of young people who share the same objective and the same enthusiasm for the sport. As well as inviting the best athletes in the world to compete against each other, the Games also provided the chance for China to present itself to the world for 16 days and 17 nights of sports festival! Now that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is over, the athletes of the world already beginning to turn their attentions to the next Olympic Games to be held in London in 2012!

Beijing 2008

qfs honour the tugas in the Olympic The Global

qfs achieved a miracle to win at the Olympic Global A, qfs won the Slovenian laibach level 28, who reached the final of gaining some high levels, by 2 to 1. qfs said the guy is really good .... massimo, which has not yet felt the defeat by 4 to 3 for the vice champion of Olympic Global A, the Slovenian laibach level 28, was in seventh place. In the Global Olympic B, the tugas also not left bad! rkl10 stayed in sixth place and viramakara in thirteenth. Now the - TUGAS - can sleep in peace, as we have in our achievements, an Olympic Global unsuccessful by our member qfs .. We will celebrate this great achievement!

portuguese version
qfs honra os tugas, na Olympic Global A

qfs conseguiu um feito milagroso ao vencer a Olympic Global A, qfs ganhou do esloveno laibach nivel 28, que chegou na final ganhando de alguns níveis alto, por 2 a 1. qfs disse que o gajo é realmente bom.... massimo, que ainda não entendeu a derrota por 4 a 3 para o vice campeão da Olympic Global A, o esloveno laibach nível 28, ficou em sétimo lugar. Na Olympic Global B, os tugas também não se saíram mau! rkl10 ficou em sexto lugar e viramakara em décimo terceiro. Agora os --TUGAS-- podem dormir em paz, já que temos em nossas conquistas, uma Olympic Global vencida pelo nosso membro qfs.. Vamos comemorar essa grande conquista!
