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Olá... Com a introdução das funcionalidades para clans, pelo Powersoccer, esse clan será apenas parte da história dos --TUGAS--, raramente virei aqui escrever alguma coisa, ele será apenas, uma lembrança viva na história dos Tugas! Em contrapartida, manterei o http://tugas.weebly.com/ mais atualizado e com alguns artigos! obrigado á todos!
English Version!
Hi .. With the introduction of features for Clans, the Powersoccer, this clan is only part of the story - Tugas -, rarely come here write something, he will be just a memory alive in the history of Tugas! In contrast, http://tugas.weebly.com/ keep more updated and with some articles! Thanks to everyone!
Thank You Beijing
The Games of Beijing showed the world what the Olympics really are: a meeting of young people who share the same objective and the same enthusiasm for the sport. As well as inviting the best athletes in the world to compete against each other, the Games also provided the chance for China to present itself to the world for 16 days and 17 nights of sports festival! Now that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is over, the athletes of the world already beginning to turn their attentions to the next Olympic Games to be held in London in 2012!

lost the battle but not the war ..

The tgs not played well, and the battle of the clans against gs eventually lose. In the first battle, qfs, massimo, kelene and f.irno, until we tried, but failed to win the gs. qfs resolved abort their game, claiming to be very lag, massimo rainda with connection problems and was out of the game and lost by WO. keleme almost became final, but failed to pass by the Italian g. seal and lost by 3 to 0. In an attempt to recover from defeat for the gs, departed for a tgs revanche and were again defeated. But other battles are to come and we, the tgs, will be prepared for what comes! congratulations to all who played and gave their best in the game!
portuguese version

perdemos a batalha mas, não a guerra..

Os tgs não jogaram bem, e na batalha dos clans contra os gs acabaram por perder. Na primeira batalha, qfs, massimo, kelene and f.irno, até que tentaram, mas não conseguiram vencer os gs. qfs resolveu abortar seu jogo, alegando estar com muito lag, massimo rainda com problemas e conexão, foi desconectado do jogo e perdeu por WO. keleme quase passou a final, mas não conseguiu passar pelo italiano do g. seal e perdeu por 3 a 0. Na tentativa de se recuperar da derrota para os gs, os tgs partiram para uma revanche e foram novamente derrotados. Mas outras batalhas estão por vir e nós, os tgs, estaremos preparados para o que vier! parabéns a todos que jogaram e deram o seu melhor no jogo!
the tgs lost the battle and !

in an attempt to recover lost again to the gs!
