And yesterday gained almost another South American Expert, would be our forty in the year 2008. junin1989 reached the final of South America Expert 819, but failed to win the Brazilian CA, willaraujo, at 71 and lost by 4 to 1. But junin1989 has already won him several times, but I gave last chance. And let's begin by welcoming the new member, he is called alexandrebr1, he is at level 55 and has 2052 points, ranking .. Welcome to our family and Good Luck!
portuguese version
E ontem quase conquistamos mais uma Sul América Expert, seria a nossa quadragésima do ano de 2008. junin1989 chegou a final da Sul América Expert 819, mas não conseguiu vencer o CA brasileiro, willaraujo, nível 71 e perdeu por 4 a 1. Mas junin1989 já ganhou dele várias vezes, mas nessa última deu azar. E vamos dar as boas vindas ao novo membro, ele chama-se alexandrebr1, ele está no nível 55 e tem 2052 pontos de ranking.. Bem Vindo a nossa família e Boa Sorte!
